Hip injuries can have a significant influence on your ability to conduct your daily activities, and they might result in you being out of work for weeks, months or permanently.
If you have had a hip injury you may be entitled to compensation by way of medical expenses, wages for loss of income, lump sum and pain and suffering, depending on where the injury occurred. In addition you may also be entitled to a making a Total Permanent and Disablement (TPD) insurance claim from your superfunds if you are unable to work.

Am I entitled to hip injury compensation?
If you have suffered an injury during the course of work, you may be entitled to benefits under Workers Compensation. No amount of money will compensate for what you’ve been through, however, with the help of our workers compensation lawyers, the entitlements below may give you peace of mind during your recovery:
- Costs of medical expenses – such as physiotherapy, surgery and equipment
- Weekly payments for loss of income – based on your pre-injury average earnings
- Lump sum for your permanent injuries – if you are a non-exempt worker, the physical permanent impairment threshold is 11% or greater. For psychological injuries, the permanent impairment threshold is 15% or greater. If you are an exempt worker, the physical permanent impairment threshold is greater than 0%.
- Domestic assistance – if your permanent impairment rate is 15% or greater.
- Common law/work injury damages payout – if your employer was negligent and your physical or psychological permanent impairment is 15% or greater.

Please visit our:
- Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers page to be aware of your entitlements if you have suffered a hip injury in a motor vehicle accident.
- Public Liability Lawyers page to learn your entitlements if you have suffered an injury in a public place.
- Medical Negligence Lawyers page if you suffered an injury due to a healthcare provider’s negligence.
- TPD Claim Lawyers page if you are unable to work due to an injury.
Soft tissue injuries are one of the most prevalent types of hip injuries. Tissues that link, support, or surround other structures and organs of the body are referred to as soft tissue. Soft tissue injuries are generally classified as a minor injury in the scheme relating to motor accidents in NSW. As it is mentioned above, your compensation entitlements will depend on where you were injuried and the circumstances of that injury. . Our team of personal injury lawyers can assist you regardless of whether your injury is a soft tissue hip or pelvis injury.
If you’ve suffered an injury that caused a hip replacement, our personal injury lawyers can assist you in receiving benefits that you are entitled to regardless of where you are injured. Given the seriousness of hip replacements, you may also be entitled to a lump sum payout due to your hip replacement.

How is the claiming process?
Claiming process varies depending on where the accident has occurred. If the accident occurred during the course of work, the compensation steps below can be followed:
- Contact your employer and report the injury.
- Seek medical treatment and request your General Practitioner (GP) complete the Certificate of Capacity which should include your doctor’s opinion on the injury and whether it occurred due to your work or not.
- Complete the Work Injury Claim Form as soon as possible and submit it along with the Certificate of capacity to your employer. The time limit is 6 months to complete the work injury claim form.
We recommend you contact our workers compensation lawyers for free advice prior to submitting your claim form to ensure you have received legal advice and so you will be aware of the steps that follow, your entitlements and the process in general.
Please go back to our services above and choose the injury type for non-workplace accidents.
How much compensation will I get for a hip injury?
Our senior personal injury lawyers can help you get an idea with similar hip injury claims that we have assisted to help you understand what benefits, if any, or compensation, if any,you may be entitled to claim, regardless of whether your injury is a hip replacement, broken hip, pelvis injury, hip dysplasia and so on. Additionally, if your hip injury occurred at home but has prevented you from returning to work you could be entitled to making a TPD insurance claim through your superfunds.
No Win No Fee personal injury lawyers
Our personal injury lawyers work on a No Win No Fee basis and provide an obligation-free claim consultation. You can reach us on 1800 952 898 or fill in the form below at any point during your hip injury compensation claim process.

Issa Rabaya
• Bachelor of Laws
• Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
• Approved Legal Service Provider to the Independent Review Office
• Member of the Law Society